And so the four intrepid travelers set off: at rush hour; through London; to take the tube to Heathrow; to board a ten hour flight to Colombo, Sri Lanka. We knew travelling with two kids under 4 was going to be tough and we were full of doubts as to whether we'd last two years on the road but we were nonetheless excited to be finally en-route. It was a less than auspicious start.
Otto threw a huge tantrum in the middle of a road near London Bridge, not 20 minutes into a two-year trip. He then vomited all over himself and the Piccadilly line on the way to Heathrow airport. Jess saved her vomit until later, after the flight which was surprisingly easy (god bless inbuilt TV screens and portable tablet devices). Our three year-old decided to up-chuck half an hour in to the four hour, 30°c taxi ride at the other end of the journey (Colombo to Bentota). Fortunately - only for the taxi driver- all over my jeans. We eventually arrived at our first stop 18 hours after we'd left our London base: Zum Deutschen guest house, south of Bentota and just inland from the beach. It was bucketing down, monsoon style and a quick weather check confirmed it was raining in the whole of Sri Lanka for the next week at least. A slightly underwhelming arrival but things were soon to improve...
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Useful Links to other sites:Authors (in a very loose sense of the word)Kelly and Mikey (but mostly Kelly). We sold up in the UK to travel with our two littluns for a year or so. If you want to know more click the about us! |