We finally left the Corn Islands - after more than 3 weeks.
Thankfully, island life did prove itself worthy of the terrible trip to get there, although we cheated and flew back (as did everyone else except the most hardened adventurers - Dan & Mel that's you).
This time last year, dropping off to sleep in our London flat, I was conjuring up an image of a dream life: a little house on a beach somewhere exotic, Jess & Otto playing with local kids and us feeling a little bit like we were a part of the place, like we belonged. It's taken a while but we've finally found that place.
OK, so it was a rough ride here but thankfully it was worth it. We are entrenched, entranced with the big island, where we were only meant to stay one night.
Three nights on Ometepe proved enough for us. Ometepe is an island with two volcanoes, greedy I know, in the middle of Lake Nicaragua, the largest lake in Central America and 19th largest in the world.
Nicaragua was one of the first countries on our wish list when we began planning this crazy adventure, so it was with much excitement that we approached the border. Costa Rica and ‘pura vida’ was great but the cost of the Costa we were happy to leave behind.
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Useful Links to other sites:Authors (in a very loose sense of the word)Kelly and Mikey (but mostly Kelly). We sold up in the UK to travel with our two littluns for a year or so. If you want to know more click the about us! |